There is something so special about photographing a Mumma-to-be. They are always glowing during their photoshoot – anticipating meeting their newest family member… My aim is for you to really enjoy your session, feel relaxed and just look super gorgeous and glamourous.
I love to do maternity sessions and fuss over the mums to make them look perfect for their shoot. Creating beautiful images is something i really love to do. Even the shyest of Mummas has loved her session and gone home loving her images.
I bring my mobile studio to your home including the wardrobe! and do photoshoots in Orange, Bathurst, Molong, Blayney and surrounds.
What should you wear? Well, my gorgeous and extensive client wardrobe has over 36 gowns and body suits all beautiful and designed to make your photoshoot special. I have gowns for use in sizes 8 to 18 and a few freesize – all of them are designer gowns and sublime! Here are just a few….
When should you book? Anytime from 28-34 weeks is great. I have had mums in at 38 weeks – but its best to come earlier than that so that you can pose and move around comfortably enough for the session.
I would LOVE to do a photoshoot for you. Please contact me to discuss a session.
How can you contact me: –
email: 0417 693859
#OrangeMaternityPhotographer #PhotographerOrangeNSW #OrangeNSW #molongportraitphotographer #millthorpematernityphotographer #OrangePhotographer #BathurstMaternityPhotographer #Maternityphotographerbathurst #portraitphotographerorange #orangeportraitphotographer #millthorpephotographer #blayneyphotographer #MaternityPhotographerOrangeNSW #bathurstportraitphotographer
I would love to do a family one. I love your work ❤️❤️.
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